Program Continues to Get Runtime Error in Windows 10 While Not in Windows 7

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How to fix Windows runtime errors

Whenever you are trying to launch any software or running it for the first time, a runtime error occurs. Runtime errors in Microsoft Windows can be caused by a variety of computer issues. Sometimes, the error can be gone away by simple reopening the application, and if the error does not remove, there are various things you can do to resolve this issue.

How to fix Windows runtime errors

In order to detect and fix all Runtime errors, you can follow the procedures given below.


If you are facing problems like runtime error number and message, for instance, Runtime error 75 path/file access error; you can jump the step to the runtime error listing to see a list of runtime error codes and faults, which is given below:

Runtime Error

A runtime error can arise for a variety of reasons, on the basis on the situation:

  • The software has a bug in it.
  • There is a shortage of memory or another system resource.
  • You did something else that was not allowed or typed a foreign character into a text box.

Usually, the error displays as a little window with a description of the software that is causing the problem, as well as an error code and message. The small window, prompt might have a suggestion to contact a support team or administrator.

Some examples of Runtime errors:

If at all feasible, the best way to deal with the errors is to pay close attention to what the error says. If the error is too broad to diagnose straight away, you should go through the procedures below in order. On the other hand, if the error is particular and states anything such as Microsoft Visual C++Runtime Library, that's where you should begin.

Conflict with TSR or another running program

If you receive a runtime error warning on Windows, you can close all open apps. This will give you peace of mind that the issue isn't caused by third-party software or TSR.

If you still have troubles on Windows 95 or Windows 98 after you have successfully terminated all TSRs, look under autoexec.bat and config.sys for programs that are causing the problem. Then, with the help of renaming the files, temporarily disable these apps. For more information about this process, see the instructions below.

  1. First of all, you need to Boot to MS-DOS.
  2. Once you have arrived at the MS-DOS prompt, then you are required to type:
  1. When it is successfully completed, then reboot the computer system.

Software issue

If you are still facing the problem, the application, tool, or game that is triggering the runtime error could be malfunctioning. Verify that all available updates or patches have been obtained and applied via the developer's website.

If you found that no updates or patches are available, you need to uninstall and install again the software that is causing the problem. Also, if you are facing runtime error with your operating system, you should reinstall it.

Add-on, plug-in, or other extra software

If someone installed additional add-ons, plug-ins, or other software on own computer, these are also reason to generating different kinds of runtime errors. If there is any other software related with the program that is generating the error, you should update or uninstall it to see if it fixes the problem or not.

Restart the computer

If your computer suddenly feels much slower as compared to usual, this is the most likely cause.

The memory-related issues may be the reasons for generating some runtime errors, and restarting your computer is the quickest method to shut down everything that's currently running. This will help you to free up system resources previously occupied by the program that is causing the problem.

Computer virus

A runtime error can be caused by computer viruses and malware as they can tamper with system settings or memory. If you have installed a program on your computer that can protect your system against viruses, make sure it is up to date with the newest virus definitions.

If your system does not have any computer virus protection program, we recommend purchasing one or downloading a trial version in order to scan your computer hard drive for viruses.

Install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package

This is the most likely solution if your error window says something related to the Visual C++ libraries' runtime components.

Download Link: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package

Memory issue

Finally, if you are still facing problem of runtime errors and have followed all the above suggestions, you may be dealing with a hardware or memory related problem. Now, we suggest you should first contact the developer of the program that is causing the problem to see if there are any fixes available. If no solutions can be found, we suggest contacting the computer or motherboard maker for further advice or service.

Runtime error listings

Below, there is a list that contains runtime error codes and related Runtime error messages for Microsoft software as well as Windows. There is more information about each error and a description of what's causing the Runtime issue. Also, you will know how to fix each error.

Code Runtime error Additional information
5 Illegal function call If the program is not working, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software's developer.
6 Overflow If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software's developer.
7 Out of memory This error occurs. When there is insufficient memory for the program to run or the machine does not fulfil the software's system requirements.
If your system satisfies the minimum requirements of the program to run it, consider reinstalling the program to ensure the problem is not related to the installation.
9 Subscript out of range If the program is not working, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software's developer.
10 Duplicate definition If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software's developer.
11 Division by zero The issue was discovered in the software's code or math formula. Check to check whether the program that is causing the problem has any accessible software updates.
13 Type Mismatch Check that the software you're using is entirely compatible with your Windows version, and that your system's regional settings are appropriately configured.
14 Out of string space If the program is showing an error, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, you can try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this case.
19 No Resume If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the software's developer.
20 Resume without error If the program is not working, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software's developer.
28 Out of stack space This error occurs when a mistake is created by a program or memory.
35 Sub or Function not defined If the program is showing an error, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, you can try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this case.
48 Error in loading DLL This error is generated through a bad installation or a problem that occurred after another program was installed and replaced the program's DLL. Shut down all programs and TSRs before attempting to reinstall the program.
52 Bad file name or number If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the software's developer.
53 File not found When the program is unable to find the necessary file to run. The program must be reinstalled, or the missing file(s) must be recopied to the computer.
54 Bad file mode If the software isn't operating, make sure it has all of the most recent updates. Try reinstalling the application if you're certain it's up to current. Additionally, if the problem persists, you should contact the software's creator.
55 File already open The program or a file associated with it is currently in use, and the software is unable to access it. Close all open and background programs and rerun the program.
58 File already exists If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the software's developer.
61 Disk full For instance, the hard drive lacks sufficient space for the software to run or save copied files.
62 Input past end of file If the software is not operating, make sure it has all of the most recent updates. Try reinstalling the application if you're certain it's up to current. Additionally, if the problem persists, you should contact the software's creator.
63 Bad record number If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the software's developer.
64 Bad file name If the program is showing an error, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, you can try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this case.
68 Device unavailable When the program does not find the required hardware device or another prerequisite to run, check that the program's essential hardware and software are installed. If you are encountering the same problem, make sure the software and any hardware devices it requires have the most recent updates installed.
70 Permission denied A file that is being overwritten is in use, or the place where the application is being transferred is limited. Close all programs and TSRs
71 Disk not ready Make sure you have complete rights.
74 Can't rename with different drive If the program is showing an error, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, you can try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this case.
75 Path/File access error The program does not have access to or rights to a file. This is frequently caused when the result of a program attempts to access a network file. Either because of network rights or because the software is being blocked, it does not have complete access. For instance, if the program is read-only or it is in use by another program.
76 Path not found The files that need to be copied are missing from the program's directory, or the path is not correct. In this case, you should try to uninstall and reinstall the software.
91 Object variable set to Nothing If the software is not operating, make sure it has all of the most recent updates. Try reinstalling the application if you're certain it's up to current. Additionally, if the problem persists, you should contact the software's creator.
93 Invalid pattern If the program gives an error, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this situation.
94 Illegal use of NULL If the program is not responding, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the developer of the software.
102 Command failed If the program gives an error, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this situation.
339 A file is missing or invalid A software file that is linked to it is missing or corrupt. In this case, you should try uninstalling and reinstalling the software.
429 Object creation failed If the program that is causing the runtime issue is corrupted, try to install this program again after reinstalling it.
438 No such property or method If the program is not working properly, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the developer of the software.
439 Argument type mismatch If the program gives an error, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this situation.
440 Object error If the program is not working properly, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, try to reinstall it. And, if you are still facing the same problem, you should now contact the developer of the software.
901 Input buffer would be larger than 64 K in size. If the program is showing an error, ensure that it is up to date. If the program has been updated, you can try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this case.
902 Operating system error Check to see if the program has any software updates and is compatible with your Windows version.
903 External procedure not found If the program gives an error, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this situation.
904 Global variable type mismatch. If the program gives an error, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software developer in this situation.
905 User-defined type mismatch. It is OK to utilize a setting defined by the user or discovered in the application shortcut. Furthermore, you should try running the app without any additional parameters or configurations.
906 External procedure interface mismatch. If the program gives error, ensure that it is up to date. If you are sure that the program has been updated, try reinstalling it. And, if you are still encountering the same problem, you should contact the software's developer in this case.
1001 Out of memory This runtime error occurs. When there is insufficient memory for the program to run or the machine does not fulfil the software's system requirements.
If your system satisfies the minimum requirements of the program to run it, consider reinstalling the program to ensure the problem is not related to the installation.
1025 DLL is not supported This runtime error is generated through a bad installation or a problem that occurred after another program was installed and replaced the program's DLL. Shut down all programs and TSRs before attempting to reinstall the program.

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